Prevent additional credit card charges on car rental.
First of all, you must understand how the total price you pay is calculated. Everything starts with the daily base rate – this is the rate you pay for the daily use of the car excluding all other charges. It doesn’t mean that this is the price you pay!
Instead, you may find your total bill is double of that of the base rate. Extra mandatory charges like GST, airport location surcharges, administration fees, vehicle registration fees are all part of the total bill given to you at the rental counter. I can’t stress enough the importance of getting a bill at the end of your rental, but this is another story. So, by the time all the extra charges are added onto your bill, you may find yourself paying almost double that seductive base rate.
To give you an example, a friend of mine rented a car in Australia with a base rate around $177 for four days. The final total? Including a vehicle registration fee, admin fee, airport location surcharge, a surcharge for not filling the gas tank, and a GST on top of all those other charges, my friend paid about $358 - more than a 100 percent increase over the base rate.
So how can you avoid nasty surprises? Below you can find a list of standard surcharges you're most likely to find at most car rental locations in Australia, as well as some tips for your next trip to the car rental counter.
Airport and GST Surcharges
The majority of car rental transactions happen at the airports around the country. Airport surcharge is something that car rental supplier has no control over and it varies considerably from one airport to another. Therefore, when you pick the car up from the airport you should expect to pay between 3 and 18 percent extra on top of other charges. Unfortunately, you can't avoid paying GST, which can will add 10 percent. However, if your car rental bill amounts to over $300 and you leave the country within 30 days after returning the car, you may claim GST component of your car rental at the airport.
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Reviewed by Jenna
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